It's a fully functional, metal compatible, Mac-EFI graphic card, running perfectly on Mojave. I've created a new rom using RFB.efi provided by Fl0r!an instead of 7950mac.efi (which makes the driver fall back to the default RadeonFramebuffer, like when using the card unflashed.) and voilà. Turns out there is a framebuffer issue. Got boot screens, installed Mojave, applied patches, rebooted. I didn't had one, so I flashed my said 270x with HD 7950 efi following this script on. To install Mojave, an EFI gpu is required. UI was glitching and performance was awful. Turns out it needs AMD Radeon HD 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx patch to be installed beforehand. I got stuck on a gray screen when booting High Sierra.

Is there any reason this certain brand cause any issue? Has anyone tried it? (yep, it works) I couldn't find any information regarding the brand, ASUS. So I decided to purchase this ASUS R9 270X DirectCU II

(foreign shopping is out of question, too many taxes) RX series are too expensive atm in my country, and 3.1 has the SSE issue, minus no older OS'es. My first choice would be a GTX 680 but I couldn't find any decent one available.

And i thought it would be best to go with an older card for compatibility with previous OS X versions and installer media. MacPro 5,1 - AMD GPU recommendations from macpro AMD RX Vega 64 under macOS real world speed test results for performance minded Macintosh users There is a lot of info out there. I been in a hunt for a natively supported metal GPU for my cMP 3,1 for some time.