Replace henry front sight
Replace henry front sight

replace henry front sight replace henry front sight

Am I right in hoping good ammo, with better sights, and using a hay barrel or something will give me good enough groupings for small game, or should I be looking at a remington 597 or a marlin or something? Thanks again. Sights : Fully adjustable semi-buckhorn rear and brass beaded front sight. front sight that slides into a barrel dovetail (not a replacement for the one. Henry Repeating Arms Lever Action Rifle All Weather Side Gate Chambered In. Kit includes four interchangeable LitePipes in red, green, black and white plus rotating carry case. Change the way you shoot your American made lever action rifle with a super bright Hi-Viz sight. By the way, a henry with good sights, clean as a whistle, with good ammo (cci mini mags etc.) will be able to shoot accurately enough for small birds right? I have only shot off hand, with really cheap federal bulk ammo, and not being able to see the sight real well outside. Our Red and Green Henry front fiber optic rifle Peep sights Repeating Arms. Hi-Viz Henry Rifle Front Sight fits H001, H001L, H001Y in. Anyone know of any companies that sell different sights or see through scope mounts for my Henry? Are there any that won't need a gunsmith to drill the rifle? Thanks guys. Ideally I will only be using it for 25-40 yards, so I was thinking maybe a better iron sight, but I won't rule out a 2x scope if I can find see through mounts of some sort. Its the brass dot one, and you really have to stare for it to get a good sight picture, and by then you cant really see the target. Inside they aren't too hateful, but outside you cannot see the front bead. Ammo is just too costly for my young butt right now. 22, maybe a little small bird hunting on the farm, instead of deer hunting. Since ammo is getting so expensive, I have decided I may just start plinking with the. 22lr a little while back, and have been using it to keep my pockets from being completely empty when the 30-30 and.

Replace henry front sight